Cross-Country skiing

Cross Country skiing I've only been out a couple of times on cross-country skis. It was fun, but if there's a downhill resort nearby, I'll ski there.

Hero Image: Breckenridge (courtesy of the internet)

Royal Gorge 1985 - Royal Gorge, Tahoe X-country (photo courtesy of the internet)
1985 - Royal Gorge, Tahoe X-country (photo courtesy of the internet)
Breckenridge Nordic 2007 - Breckenridge Nordic (photo courtesy of the internet)
2007 - Breckenridge Nordic (photo courtesy of the internet)
1985-02 Lake Tahoe Link to trip photos: 1985 - Royal Gorge, Tahoe

1985-02 Lake Tahoe

Link to trip photos: 1985 - Royal Gorge, Tahoe
2007-01 Breckenridge Link to trip photos: 2007 - Breckenridge Nordic

2007-01 Breckenridge

Link to trip photos:
2007 - Breckenridge Nordic
